Another blast from the past courtesy of the Interweb, this orc chieftain on wyvern was at the time (c. 1996/7) something of a milestone paint job for me, being a major large scale creature and character model combining the newly wrought plastic dragon wings with metal wyvern body (both by the talented hands of Trish Carden, and the orc by Gary Morley), shortly before I had free reign over which miniatures I painted.
My approach to the piece was influenced by the seminal Mike McVey orc wyvern in that I wanted to go dark green whereas Mike’s had been much brighter.
The colour scheme was aided by an obsession with a green paint pigment procured from Mike during his time developing the new range of Citadel Colour paints — the pigments enabled intense, rich colours, but had the unhappy consequence of bleeding through the skin, so that after a day’s painting and brush licking, the soles of ones feet (and socks) would be stained with the pigment!
Azhag The Slaughterer (Citadel Miniatures)