As touched upon in my recent Eldar post, one of my contributions to the 40K 2nd Ed. Imperial Guard reboot was to paint the Rough Riders of Attila.
Great fun at the time, as I loved painting horses despite not being keen on them in a sci-fi setting…
The miniatures were a little ropey, and certainly didn’t “paint themselves.”
A telltale sign of my painting in that era was my obsession with Terracotta paint for leathers, something which persists to this day (likely due to the paint’s coverage being better than average). The bright red helmets and gun casings are of the time, so forgivable.
During this period myself and others of the ‘Eavy Metal Team were painting banners predominantly with inks, rather than paints, which was certainly simpler, but perhaps resulted in a less polished finish.
The last image shows the full range of initial Imperial Guard box sets, which included my other contribution to the painting for this range, the Ice Warriors of Valhalla.
Rough Riders of Attila Lieutenant and Standard Bearer (Citadel Miniatures)
Rough Riders of Attila Lieutenant (Citadel Miniatures)
Rough Riders of Attila Standard Bearer (Citadel Miniatures)
Attilan Rough Riders (Citadel Miniatures)
Imperial Guard Box Sets (Citadel Miniatures)