After a couple of years’ intermittent painting and the completion of this Viking warlord with banner bearer, I’m now the proud owner of a fully painted 5 point Viking warband for Saga.
Nothing special for many gamers/ collectors, but something of a personal achievement.
Always liked this hulking Viking miniature since I painted it for the Foundry website over 20 years ago! Fun to revisit and take a subtler approach, although at the last yard I did a less than sterling job of the face and hair.
Although initially unsure, I like the way the warlord and banner bearer strike a similar pose along the same angle, creating a pleasing (if rather tight) profile no matter where viewed from.
Shield and banner transfers from Little Big Men Studios, rocky outcrop made from cork board hackied and chipped with a modelling knife.
I’ll get around to posting some photos of the entire warband some time soon, hopefully taken on some proper terrain.
Although I intend to add some more units, I’ll take a break from Vikings for a while to scratch a nagging fantasy/ 40K itch and finish off the initial 5 points of Anglo-Saxons that Section Nine Studios painted for me.
Viking Warlord and Banner Bearer (Foundry)
Viking Warlord and Banner Bearer (Foundry)
Viking Warlord and Banner Bearer (Foundry)